Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Disk Based Backup

Disk Based Backup

miSAN® V Series and iSAN® V Series
High Performance Disk Based Backup Solutions

Disk based backup solutions, when combined with removable tape for archiving, are a particularly effective network data protection strategy, delivering the very tangible benefits of both disk based backup and tape backup for securing network data efficiently and cost-effectively at all points in its lifecycle. By creating numerous virtual tape library drives and tapes out of an array of high performance, low cost disks, and by writing in simultaneous, parallel data streams, a disk based backup solution allows backup to disk – or virtual tape - in the least amount of time while delivering near instantaneous restores. Virtual tapes remain cached until they are no longer needed. The offload feature can backup selected disk based virtual tapes to removable, backup tape -completely offline, and at maximum speeds. Supporting multiple host initiators with SCSI connectivity, disk based backup is a breakthrough in high performance network data protection.

Disk based backup is the simplest, most efficient method of quickly saving and restoring network data, while tape backup offers the lowest cost per gigabyte, the integrity for repeated loads and unloads, the impact resistance for transportability, and the shelf life required by most retention policies. But a backup solution that employs both disk and tape, without doubling or tripling the cost, has become standard for data protection because it delivers speed, capacity, and reliability with respect to the data’s overall importance to the organization at various points in time.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the information. really useful blog for all us. keep it up.. :)

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