Thursday, March 18, 2010

Email Archiving Options

Today technology has progressed offering many new functions and ways to deliver. Initially it was primarily an in-house capability. A customer first had to train two-three IT staff, then provide the necessary hardware at the archiving site and then for the DR site. Next came the professional services to set up the system and hands-on train their staff to this new environment.

Budgets were then established for the installation then, of course, annual Maintenance charges (usually 20% of the initial sale). Of course software upgrades due to Microsoft or the vendor also needed to be considered. True, tried and tested ZANTAZ now owned by Autonomy and their Idol search engine who has had its challenges integrating it into EAS in place of Alta vista and Mimosa (now owned by Iron Mountain).

Then along came "hosted or cloud solutions." This solution did not require any of the above but a monthly per user charge. Global Relay the leader in this field at about $10/user month and Red Condor a recent start up delivering a mature archiving solution at only $4/user/month. Hosted solutions are making good progress securing the customers email as the email is kept on the providers location not the customers. Acceptance is slow coming but as new things usually do.

Both have their benefits depending on the situation.

NavigateStorage invites you to discuss your challenges with Email, files, Instant Messaging. Give us a call 978-318-9000 or write.

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