Thursday, January 21, 2010

Removable disk backup system

NavigateStorage announces that their "removable disk" storage array the Idealstor Teralyte is now shipping with the latest release of our backup software - iBac 5.0. iBac 5.0 offers native format backup with drag and drop restore and now includes file level data de-duplication. New to iBac 5.0 is an easy to use wizard driven software interface, the ability to backup network shares to backup non-Windows servers, support for 64 bit and Windows Server 2008.

As a reminder, the Teralyte is a removable disk backup system that is designed to completely replace tape backup by using SATA disks as backup media that can be sent offsite for disaster recovery. The Teralyte is available in 1, 2 and 4 Bay configurations and currently supports up a 2TB SATA disk allowing for up to 8TB of backup capacity per system.

Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to take a closer look at iBac 5.0." Jim Addlesberger - NavigateStorage 978-318-9000 or email

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