Monday, September 14, 2009

Easy on your budget ideas from NavigateStorage

Our customers and prospects all have one thing in common, "they don't have much budget $$$ "

But they do have needs such as Storage, Email archiving and Protection (virus, malware, data leakage.) And the less requested but often more critical - backup.

When we encounter such needs we first work hard to understand their challenges BOTH LONG AND SHORT. This often comes down to compromising. Its interesting how often the technical side is often blinded by features and bells and whistles. Oh for sure we can sell all that but work hard to meet the NEEDS and BUDGET and not let the user be blinded by the gadgets.

So if you are contemplating storage expansion, talk to us before before you decide. We sell most all vendors and can help you find the perfect solution.

Check us out at NavigateStorage

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